They Say, I Say CH.2 !
Exercise #1 Nov.6Summary #1: I strongly disagree with Dig Fight!. I believe is just wrong and plain stupidity. MANY cute,adorable,innocent dogs are killed or injured for no damn reason.These dog fights causes poor animals to be injured badly or even attacked to death ! I believe people use their dogs in dog fights just to get $$$. Why dogs? Why couldn't just be them themselves ? This really pisses me off seeing innocent dogs getting killed every year just for these stupid dog fights!
Summary #2:On the other hand people find dog fights cool and fun. These people are just PLAIN STUPID! They just use their own dogs just to get $$$. They laugh their butts off and sometimes yell at them to win. They encourage their dog to attack one another so it would make them "the owners" happy.People think its okay to have these fights and even use it as entertainment !
- Read They Say, I Say chapter 2 and complete exercise 1 OR 2 on page 38. Post here under the homework tab - TYPE THE DATE & A TITLE!
- Read Everything's An Argument, pages 3 - 37
- Create an outline based on the blue headings - What is the main idea? 1 or 2 important details?
Purposes of Argument
-Arguments to Inform
-Arguments to Convince
-Arguments to explore
-Arguments to Make Decisions
-Arguments to Meditate or Pray
Occasions for Argument
-Arguments about the Past
-Arguments about the Future
-Arguments about the Present
Kinds of Argument
-Did something Happened?
-What is the nature of the thing?
-What is the quality of the thing?
-What actions should be taken?
-Arguments of Fact
-Arguments of Definition
-Arguments of Evaluation
-Proposal Arguments
Audiences for Arguments
-Considering Contexts