Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fast Food Nation: Ch 4 Questions

  1. What legal issues have been involved with fast food franchises? Poisoning all of America, something about franchisees.
  2.  In what particular legal action has the Subway fast food franchise been involved? (100-102) Supposedly it was the biggest problem Subway for recruiting new franchisees.They are forced to pay the company for their shortfall.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fast Food Nation Ch 3 Question

Fast workers haven't been unionized because they don't get along or work together. They don't want to work with one another and because they are unskilled workers.The tactics that the management use to defeat union efforts is not possible because if somebody illegal is working there or immigrant then people can't go to anywhere like ask help to a lawyer because they are not citizens.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fast Food Nation Ch 2 Question -.-

In my opinion I think what the McDonald's people are doing to attract children is kind of bad. It seems bad because they are attracting them by creating characters and entertainment. Like for example they sell happy meals with toys and they made a playground just to attract costumers. It's kind of cheating because they are making all the people from going any other fast food restaurant. Yes the children like it so they keep on selling their products to people and the children.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Source #3

This article is saying that the older person should not control the youngest person. Also that there can be many issues that are caused on the age gap difference.
 The argument the author is making is that age does matter sometimes in a relationship.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Food Inc,

The central argument of this movie is that factories make the animals fat and just kill them harsh. The Government does not want us to know where the food actually comes from or what the factories do to them because then people won't buy it or eat it.

Assertion 1: Over more than a million chickens are killed harsh and they should not be mistreated.
Assertion 2: Farmers do not want to be interviewed by this movie.
Assertion 3: 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Link Of The Source
1. This article is about age differences in relationships. Its about some parts of the world age does matter. Its also about what women and men believe.
2. The claim that the author makes is that there is no right or wrong answer on age differences in relationships.
3. Two Assertions:
- The answer really is a personal thing
-Sometimes there is a quite a different in the ages.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"We Remember"

This story analyzes when 4 airplanes crashed and two of them had crashed towards the twin towers. Many people died from this accident. Now every year they have a memorial of those innocent people that have died. We remember till this day of the terrible emotional incident of what happened with the twin towers and the Pentagon.

-Should airplanes be secured more after of what happened?
-AUTHOR'S CLAIM- As a country we would invest billions to increase our security
-"We're still living with the aftermath of the attacks."-->This quote shows that people still remember till then about the incident and still living with it after what happened and its unforgettable.
-"We would learn a lot over the next 10 years about how the plot was hatched and executed"-->This quote shows that us people will learn how it actually happened and how we will secure the planes more. 
WORDS -Fractious
-Pathos:This article appeals to pathos because it meant to be emotional,many innocent people died on this incident for no reason.
-Ethos:This article appeals to ethos because its something important, we remember of what happened in this important situation, We give respect of whom who died in this terrible incident.